Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

4) P3-P6 Learning Tapestry: Caring for the Environment and Community

Science Education for the 21st Century Contents Letter to the Prime Minister v Looking Ahead: Science Education for the Twenty-First Century 1 1. The purpose of science education in the school years 3 3. Primary school education 4 4. Secondary schools 5 4.1. Objectives and life skills 5 4.2. Pre-professional science education 6 5. Another recommended changing undergraduate introductory science classes to include 21st century skills, as a model for future science teachers. Windschitl responded that changing undergraduate science courses would require a major reorganization of the curriculum, along with retraining of faculty members and other instructors.

Primary 3:

Living a Sustainable Lifestyle: Adapting to Changes in the Environment

P3 students are tasked to design and build floatinghouse in response to climate change and rising sea levels.

Students play an environmental role-playing game, Symbiosis, created by our students and teachers, to learn various environmental issues and the importance of conserving the environment. Students use recyclables to build a house and test its ability to float.


Living a Sustainable Lifestyle: Environmental Stewardship

P4 students are tasked to tap on renewable source of energy to design and create solar cookers. Micro:bits are used to determine the temperature reached in the solar cooker. Students then carry out investigations to find out if their solar cookers can cook an egg under the sun.

Primary 5:

Creating a Technology-enabled Future

P5 Students are tasked to design and build a smart device / space
to enhance the lives of elderly.
For example, LED lights up automatically when surrounding is dimly lit
and fan turns on when surrounding is warm.

Day 2 physical science in 21st century (ps21)

Primary 6:

Living an Environmentally-friendly Lifestyle

Our students are tasked to design and build an automobile
prototype that rely on renewable energy. They work in teams
and conduct investigations.

Based on their findings, they design environmentally friendly
wind-powered automobiles.

Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

5) Other Environmental Activities

Day 2 Physical Science In 21st Century (ps21) Science

Symbiosis is an environmental role-playing game co-created by Temasek Primary teachers and students, and supported by 27 organisations. Its purpose is to create awareness on the importance of keeping our environment clean and green in an engaging way.
The Symbiosis project is a ground-up initiative led by the teachers and students. To promote the joy of learning, the teachers decided to create the game so as to use it as an educational tool to complement the existing environmental education.
In the Symbiosis role-playing game, the students will interact with other characters in the game to acquire information related to environmental topics that will help them answer questions in a Quest Book. It is used as a research tool for the Primary 3 students for their inter-disciplinary project work, Learning Tapestry, during which they are engaged in exploring and solving issues related to global warming.

Primary 3 students embark on a level-wide project to collect newspapers for recycling.

Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)Day 2physical Science In 21st Century (ps21)

To stress on the importance of moving towardszero waste, more recycling bins are made available.
Student leaders promote theproper usage of these recycling bins to the school.

Primary 1 and 2 students: Beach Clean-Up Activity

Our Primary 1 and 2 students participate in the beach clean-up activity to develop a sense of responsibility and duty to keep the environment clean and green.