Windows Vista Could Not Detect A Dialup Modem Download Free

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Windows Vista Could Not Detect A Dial-up Modem Download Free Version

WindowsWindows vista could not detect a dial-up modem download free windows 7

Windows Vista Could Not Detect A Dial-up Modem Download Free Download

Windows vista could not detect a dial-up modem download free download

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I spent quite some time setting up my ethernet networking but in doing so lost the modem handshake and can,t get it back. Device Manager – Modems tells me all is OK including pinging diagnostics, but I still get the Error:- Windows could not detect a dial up modem. Any help appreciated. Although dial-up Internet connections aren’t as common as they once were, many people still rely on the phone lines to get on the Web. Windows Vista uses a modem to connect with the Internet over the phone lines. Understanding how to set up a modem gives you the control you need to be able to make updates or corrections to your existing modem. Windows Vista Hardware. SmartAx MT882 ADSL Modem has One ethernet Port and one USB Port. Vista Drivers for this use Microsoft. Network Device Driver Summary With Usb adsl modem. HUAWEI SMARTAX MT882 MODEM DRIVER DOWNLOAD - The final option if you still can't login to the Huawei SmartAX MT router is to reset the device back to factory defaults.

Windows Vista Could Not Detect A Dial-up Modem Download Free Windows 7

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PdaNet for Treo 700p also supports Treo 755p and Centro.

PdaNet FAQ
Trouble Shootings

PdaNet works on all PalmOne/Handspring Treo phones, the PC part requires Windows Vista/XP/2000/ME/98SE. Also make sure you have subscribed to a data plan on the phone.

All our users agree this is one of the simplest software they have ever used - Just download the software and run the installer on Windows. That's it. YOU DON'T NEED TO DO ANY SETTINGS!!!
It will ask you to HotSync during the installation process (so that PdaNet.prc willbe put on your Treo). To launch the connection simply find the PdaNet icon on yourTreo and tap on it (with HotSync cable connected, of course).
If you reinstall on the same PC, you should not need to enter your registration codeagain since it should be remembered on your machine.

License purchase with a quantity of 10 or above is considered sitelicense. The site license discount price is $31 per user instead of theoriginal $34 if the quantity is between 10 and 99.
For site license you can either purchase by credit card directly from ourwebsite or by company check. To purchase online, visit the purchase page. When a quantity valuelarger or equal to 10 is entered, the price will be adjusted automaticallyto the discount value.
You can also purchase by check and yes we do accept Purchase Order. Pleasesend an email to and get more information.

With default settings, PdaNet usage is treated as wireless data usage, same as usage from the web browser on your Treo. Air minutes (phone usage) will not apply.
Different cell phone carriers provide different wireless data plans. For example as of today (Mar 2005), Sprint provides the PCS Vision plan allowing unlimited data usage for $10 or $15/month (most likely you are already paying this). Other service providers also has unlimited data plan or charge usage by number of bytes downloaded. One of our user posted a comparison chart for data plans providedby various cell phone services in the US as of Mar 2005.
In the settings dialog, if you do not use the 'Default Data Network', you could be charged differently, click here for more details on customizing PdaNet to dial your own ISP.

You got this error because some necessary system services have been turned off on your computer after Vista is installed(either by you or by your system administrator) and PdaNet is not able to create a dialup connection. To fix this, go to Control Panel on your computer, select Administrative Tools then Services and turn back on all the Dialup or Remote connection related services.

Your Windows registry is corrupted probably due to uninstallation of certain program. If you are familiar with registry, you can create the following folder in your registryto fix this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunOnce
Or you can simply download and open/run this file on your Windows to mergeyour registry: runonce.reg

A lot of times this is caused by other network connections interfering. Try to disable LAN and WiFi connections on your computer and see if that makes any difference.

Another thing you can try is to click on the PdaNet tray icon and select 'Settings' from menu, change the maximumspeed to '115.2kbps' or lower then save it. Try to connect again and see if it helps.

If non of these work, it might be due to other network settings on your computer, you can try to run PdaNetfrom a different computer to verify this.

This could be because your TCP/IP traffic is still routed to your wireless/LAN network connection.Try to disable your wireless/local network connection (from Control Panel, open Network Connections and right-click on any LAN connections and select 'disable' from the menu). Try to reboot if this doesn't work. Youcan re-enable LAN connections later on, you probably only need to do that once.

On some XP system, PdaNet could be disallowed from creating a dialup entry for you automatically if there has notbeen any dialup entries on your XP system. Try to manually create *any* entry in your network connections and the problem should go away. Go to Control Panel -> Network Connections ->select 'Create a New Connection' from the left, allow the dialog tocontinue until finished (check 'Setup my connectionmanually' when prompted) and enter any number as the phone number when prompted. Afterthis finishes you should have a junk dialup entry. Now try to launch PdaNet connection again andit should connect.

Reboot your PC and the problem should go away.

Simply close the error dialog and try again after a few seconds, if itis still not working, try to reboot. If you are with Sprint and you get (State=2), try to make sure you are able to use your data network directly from yourTreo, sometimes the password might have been messed up in your account.

There could be a few causes for this problem. For most times it is simply a temporary serviceissue and the problem will go away by itself if you connect later. This is usually the caseif you were able to connect at least once before.
If you are with Cingular, a lot ofour users reported that the phone need to connecta few times with the 734 error before it can finally go through. But onceit starts to connect the first time, it will no longer cause any errorsin future PdaNet connections. So for Cingular user just keep trying.You might need to soft reset the Treo also. If you are getting erroron PC other than 734, try reboot it.

For AT&T users with Treo 600, you could work around this by establishing the network connection before launching PdaNet: launch 'Prefs' on your Treo, select Network and tap 'Connect',make sure the network/GPRS connection is established successfully. Now launch PdaNet and tap the 'Connect' button. It will drop the active connection you just establishedand start the dialing.

For some services such as T-Mobile, try to select a different network profile from the drop-down list before hitting the connect button. For example withT-Mobile you can select 'T-Mobile VPN' or 'T-Zone' instead of 'T-Mobile Internet'.

For users that have switched service between GSM and CDMA, you need to re-install PdaNet and selectthe right kind of service during installation. Also if your computer has VPN softwareinstalled on your PC it could also be a suspect since most VPN software add a 'layer' on topof all network connections and could sometimes screw up dialup networking.

Phone and Modem Options;
2) Edit the properties for the PdaNet Modem;
3) Go to the Advanced tab; and
4) In the box for extra initialization commands, enter the string
If you are using Cingular: AT+CGDCONT=1, 'ip', 'isp.cingular'
If you are using AT&T: AT+CGDCONT=1, 'ip', 'proxy'
If you are using T-Mobile: AT+CGDCONT=1, 'ip', ''
5) Connect PdaNet.-->

There could be different causes for this error. If you have recently swapped your phone or updated the firmware on the phone, make sure you have called your carrier toactivate the data service on your phone. If PdaNet works for you before and you are getting the 691 error without any changes, thenmost likely it is because you are out of the data service area and have weak data signals.

In most cases this error is caused by corrupted network configurations on your computer. Try to follow instructions at the following siteand see if it helps:;en-us;810979

Alternatively, of course you can do a clean installation of XP to fix the corruption if that is not too much pain.

If you have tried to soft reset the phone and it does not help, then it usually means thatyou do not have a good data service coverage at your area.

Error 711 can be caused by a lot of reasons, mostly related to some special configuration on your PC.If rebooting the PC does not help, one of the most popular causes is a bug in Windows XP system, this will apply to yourcase if:

  • You install Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP, and then use the System Restore feature to restore Windows to a state before the installation of the service pack, or
  • You install SP1 for Windows XP when Windows XP Home is installed and then you upgrade to Windows XP Professional.
    If this is the case, follow instructions on;en-us;329441 to resolve the issue.

You need to make sure of the following things:

  • You enter the license code/email address exactly as they are in your order receipt email. We prefer you copy/pasteinto the edit fields using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V so that there is no typo.
  • You might have changed your email address, pleasemake sure you entered the original one in your order receipt email when you made the purchase.
  • Make sure you are using the right product. For example PdaNet comes with a trial version of PdaReach which is coveredunder a different license. The code for PdaNet won't be accepted by PdaReach.

If you still cann't make it work, try to send us a screen shot so that we could find out the problem for you.To capture a screenshot, first bring up the registration window, enter your email and serialnumber, then press Print Screen (this button is on the right topside of the keyboard). Now the screen is in your computer's clipboard. Open theStart->Programs->Accesaries->Paint program and do a paste, then save the screen as a jpg file and send it to our support.

If you have a software called 'Zone Alarm' version 6.0 installed, make sure you are at build number 6.0.667 or higher for XP(Exiting Zone Alarm will not make the problem go away). If you have Windows 2000 you need to completely uninstall Zone Alarm and install 5.x. You can check the build number by clicking on the ZA tray icon and select 'About'. The original build of Zone Alarm 6.0 is very buggy and will cause PdaNet to fail. This is fixed in build 667 on XP together with other Zone Alarm problems. See details at .

If you don't have Zone Alarm installed, the most likely cause for this is that your system mistakenly picks up the native modem on your PC when dialing.You can resolve this by temporarily uinstalling the device driver of your native modem (from Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager, rightclick on the native modem and select 'uninstall' or 'disable'), then try to run PdaNet again to make sure it works. If it does, you can re-install the driver for the native modem and the problem should not repeat.

This could also happen if your uninstallation failed to clean up the modem driver for some reason. To fix this, go to Control Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager button, expand the 'Modem' tree and removewhatever items with 'PdaNet' in it. Then re-install PdaNet.

First of all try the following approach and see if it helps: Reboot your computer and soft reset the phone, then perform a HotSync once over theUSB connection and make sure that is successful. Now connect PdaNet and see if it works better this time. Sometimes this could be causedby delay in the USB port connection so it might help if you avoid connecting through a USB hub.
On the other hand, make sure PdaNet is running on the computer end when you connect PdaNet although it should start automatically.
If non of the above helps and you are still getting a 773 error over the USB connection, then the problem could be due to USB signature changedon the phone when you run other applications that also use the USB port. To fix this you will need to perform a hard reset (back up all your datafirst) on the phone.

We have seen this error reported from a few users. Try the following and see if it helps: first disable Bluetooth in PdaNet settings and enable it in HotSync, then perform HotSync over the same Bluetooth serial portand make sure it works. Now without disabling it from HotSync Manager, go straight to PdaNet settings and enable Bluetooth on the same port. You willsee a warning message, just let it continue. Try to connect PdaNet over Bluetooth again and see if the problem goes away. If not, staywith USB since there might be a compatible problem between PdaNet and the Bluetooth driver/adapter on the computer end. This is rare but we have seen it.

PdaNet provides your PC with full Internet access, however your email account is provided by youremail service. Some ISP such as EarthLink will only allow you to access the SMTP server (for outgoing mail)if you dial up using their service.

Try to contact your ISP to see if there is an alternative SMTP server you can use which is not private, or you can access web mailthrough the browser if they provide one. If they don't, maybe it is time to consider a free email servicesuch as Yahoo mail or GMail.

Some users reported that they can use the SMTP server provided by Google. We don't know if that works but try it at your own risk.

Visit and installthe Treo updator if you haven't. There is a bug in the Treo Operating System whichshould have been fixed.
If this does not help, then it is a hardware problem on the USB port of your Treo.This happens to a small portion of GSM Treo 600 units. Some users observe that theycan avoid the problem by connecting the HotSync USB cable directly to the USB port on the PC/Laptop, that is, do not connect to any USB hubs including those of the laptop docking station or monitor. You can try to see if this actually helps.

PDA error 'Unable to open Modem port (code = 28677)' When I launch PdaNet or
PDA shuts the screen off after 3 minutes and disconnect.

PdaNet could not run with the phone lock password set: On Treo 300/270, Press the phone button, tap on menu->Options->Security Preferences, clear all the locks. On Treo 600, tap on thesecurity app in the launcher and clear the auto lock.

Same cause as the following one.

Same cause as the following one.

Treo Error: Cannot connect to the internet because a dialup networking session is active. End the DUN session and try again.

This is caused by an application running in the background trying to connectto the network automatically. For example an email program such as Chatter Mailtrying to establish the network to retrieve mails after a timeout period.It will fail when PdaNet is connected because the Treo has surrendered theconnectivity to the PC.To avoid this issue, try to find out which network program on the Treo is doingthis and change its preference to not connect automatically.

This indicates a problem with the installation of HotSync USB driver - you will get the same error when you HotSyncover USB. To correct this, first launch Device Manager (Start->run: devmgmt.msc), then try to perform HotSync overUSB. A 'Palm Device' should show up on the list. Right click on it and select 'Uninstall'. Now unplug thedevice and plug it in again. This time it will trigger the USB driver installation and the problem should go awayafter the driver is installed.

The cause of the problem is that you have selected to have 'Operator-Assisted Dialing' for some reason. To correct this, go to 'Network Dial-up and Connections', under menu 'Advanced', uncheck 'Operator-Assisted Dialing'. Then try to connect again like you did previously.

Both require you to use the 'Advanced' settings to dial a persistent networkentry. (By default PdaNet will create a dialup entry while connecting andremove it when disconnected, this will make sure you are always going throughthe default data network.)
Click Here for steps to setup PdaNet to dial your ISP.
Click Here for steps to customize PdaNet.
However you need to be aware that you might incur additional charges for data minutes on top of air minute charges if you are not dialing the default number. For example, if you dial a number different than #777, Sprint will charge you an extra 39 cents per minute (as of today 07/04). Also, dialups over voice is much slower than the data network speed you can getwith the default settings. It is only somewhere around 14.4kbps or less.

First of all please ignore the speed indicator on the yellow tray balloon after theconnection is established. It is not the actual speed you are getting.The PdaNet software only works as a pass-through and doesnot interfere with speed. So whatever speed you are having is the maximum speedallowed by the device and your service.

CDMA networks (Sprint, Verizon or Bell Mobility) allow maximum of 144kbps tranfer speed - twice as fast as a 56k modem.Our benchmark testing and Treo user feedbacks showed that PdaNet could very often achieved this speed in lots of areas.

EDGE network from Cingular (Treo 650 only) should also beable go above 100kbps. We were able to get 110kbps download in Our in-house testings.(Treo 650 Cingular user please download the latestrefreshed build of version 3.2. It fixes a bug that limits the download speedto 56 Kbps in previous builds.)

GPRS service providers for Treo 270/180 or GSM Treo 600 usually boast a maximum 56kbps transfer speed. The actual speed you can get might be much slower than this. In our tests we got very differentresults on GPRS services when used at different time, sometimes we couldn't get a connection or the browser won't download anything at all. We believe this is caused by network congestions onthe GPRS servers and some service providers cann't handle network traffic very well. You can verifythis is not a software problem if it ever works fine, or if you have the same problem browsing theweb with the Blazer browser on your Treo.

Also, don't forget you are on a 'wireless' network, just like cell phone static, actual signal strength can have a great impact on the connection speed.

PdaNet does not run on Macintosh. You can give it a shot on Virtual PC for Mac if youalready have it. This might or might not work, and we do not provide any support no matter what problems you run into. Before installing PdaNet make sure that you

  1. Turn off HotSync on Mac by running HotSync Manager and check 'Disable HotSync'.
  2. Enable USB on Virtual PC.
  3. Install HotSync Manager for Windows (on Virtual PC) and make sure you are able to HotSync.

The answer is no. PdaNet does not support IR (Infrared) due to the following reasons:

  1. IR is slow compared with USB. From our users testing result PdaNet could run two timesfaster on USB than on IR. Most IR port on Laptops today support Fast Infrared (FIR)that has a 4 Mbps speed, unfortunately the IR port of Treo only support Serial Infrared(SIR) that runs not much faster than a 56K modem.
  2. Infrared consumes battery much faster than USB (to send light signal over the air), thisis very bad for PDAs.
  3. Although Infrared could save you the wire when connecting, but having to put the PDA andlaptop strictly together side by side on the same surface could be very awkward. Plus,we figure a USB cable is not difficult to carry around for most people. And you caneven do charging at the same time if you own a charge USB cable.
  4. Every machine has USB port. Most desktops don't have IR port.

No it does not. PdaNet for Treo 650/680 and PdaNet for Treo 700p/755p are different products and will be charged and maintained in parallel. The serial number you purchased for PdaNet Treo 650/680 will not work on Treo 700p/755p or vice versa. However you will be able to get a discount as returning customer. Justenter your old serial number when purchasing.
PdaNet for Treo 700p/755p is built for EVDO network.

The trial download of PdaNet will expire in 15 days, otherwise is exactly the same as the full version. You need to purchase a registration code matching your namein order to unlock the full version (there is no seperate download after you purchase).
You will receive an order confirmation email within 20 minutes if your purchase directlyfrom our website. It could take up to 24 hours if you purchase from one of our partners website. If you do not receive your registration email in the above amount of time, please let us know, the spam filter of your email server might be blocking emails from our address!
To unlock PdaNet after you receive the registration code (might also be called serial number or license code in the email), click on the PdaNet icon in the tray area on Windows (click here if you don'tknow where the tray icon goes)to bring up the popup menu and select 'Register', copy your email address (or name ifthat was what came in your receipt for older version of the software) and registration code from the order receipt email (has to be exactly as is including spaces) to unlock the full version of PdaNet. Once registration confirmed, the 'Register' menu will no longer appear.
Warning: Do not try to use a pirate registration code or codes purchased by others. While you are online through PdaNet we could identify pirate usage and verify our licensing database.

Refund is only available for purchase of the Treo 700p/755p version or the Windows Mobile version. Refund can only be processed within 14 days after the purchase.
The way we try to achieve customer satisfaction is by providing a cost-free, full-feature15-day trial period so that potential customers can test it and make sure they are satisfied before making the purchase. This is a typical way in the shareware industry.
A purchased PdaNet license grants you the right to use the software, that's all. It is not a subscription. The actual data service is provided by your cell phonecarrier and not by us. Since our software does not come with any warranties, we are not responsible ifPdaNet stops working for any kind of service problems or computer problems.

Although the license agreement mentions that one license only apply to one machine, we do allow you to install the Desktop part of PdaNet on multiple PCs, given that youonly install the Treo/PDA part of the software (aka PdaNet.prc) on one PDA. That is,you can use one PDA to connect to as many computers as you want.

The Sprint server you are connecting to tend to compress graphics going through the HTTP port tospeed up downloading. You can view the images in full quality simply by refreshing the web page suchas pressing Ctrl-F5 in Internet Explorer.

VPN software usually play some tricks at the network layer and theInternet service provided by your cellphone carrier might not support it.If your VPN uses IPSec, this might help: If you are with Sprint, try to look for your VPN client settingsand change to do NOT enable Transparent Tunneling (that is, do NOT use IPSec over TCPor UDP/NAT/PAT). We have not tested our software with any VPNs (and there are many versions of them) so wecann't say for sure. Some users reported that it had been working for them but some failed to makeit work.

Unlike Sprint or Verizon network, Bell Mobility requires an explicit user name and password to be set while connecting.You have to follow the steps below:

  1. First of all find out your user name and password for the data network. The user name can be foundon your Treo->Prefs->Network. The password is what you have assigned previously when creating the account.
  2. On your PC, click on the PdaNet tray icon and select 'Settings'. In the Settings dialog, click on Advanced and confirm.
  3. Click on link 'Create Customized Entry', select OK to close the window.
  4. Bring up Settings dialog again, click on 'More...'
  5. Right click on the the 'PdaNet Modem (Customized)' entry and select'Properties' -> Options ->Check 'Prompt for user name and password', select OK.
  6. Now tap on the PdaNet icon on your Treo, you should see the user name/password dialog popping upon your PC screen. Enter the values from step 1 and continue. Once verify this works, you can save the user name and password ofthis dialup entry and change the properties to not prompt it again.

You can refer to customizing PdaNet for more details.

Since PdaNet need to setup a Windows Driver delivered by HotSync Manager, you will needto run the installer which requires HotSync Manager on every PC you use.However you do not need to HotSync at all if you already have PdaNet on your Treo.

  1. Install HotSync Manager on your Laptop, when it prompts you to HotSync, select No tosync later and let the installation completes.
  2. Exit HotSync Manager from your PC and remove the shortcut from the Startup menu.
  3. Install PdaNet, when it asks you to HotSync just ignore it.
  4. Launch PdaNet as is, the first time you connect it will install the driver and the connectionmight timeout, this is fine, it should start working if you try again.

This is due to the default connection settings in Internet Explorer, which you can customizeeasily. Simply launch Internet Explorer, go to Tools->Internet Options->Connections tab, fromthere you can change the setting to 'Never dial a connection' and the problem will go away.

PdaNet does not work on 64 bit system due to lack of 64 bit USB support from Palm's HotSync Manager.

Starting from version 3.0, you can run PdaNet as a background application on your Treo, this allows youto use other apps while keeping the network connection. However youmust be aware of the following limitations:

  • PdaNet still make exclusive use of the phone and USB hardware when running in thebackground, that means you will get error when using applications that need access to these resources, such as the phone dial pad or HotSync, even PdaReach. You can resolve this by relaunching PdaNet and disconnect first.
  • This feature is limited by a hardware problem with the Treo 600 hardware, that if you press any keys on the Treo while the USB port is busy transmitting data, the USB connection might be interrupted. The same problem can also be reproduced with HotSync. PdaNet will try to reconnect when this happens.

Due to these limitations we do not expose this feature on the UI in the current version,you need to press the left arrow key(of the navigation button) twice on your Treo to trigger this.

Windows Vista Could Not Detect A Dialup Modem Download Free

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