U151e Repair Manual

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U151e Repair Manual
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Toyota U151E, U151F Automatic Transmission Repair Manual (RM1021U) PDF free online


U151e Transmission Repair Manual

(U151E A/T) Applications:

  • 2004–2006 Camry (V6) (1MZ/3MZ)
  • 2004–2008 Solara (V6) (3MZ)
  • 2004-2010 Sienna (V6) (3MZ/2GR-FE)
  • 2004-2013 Highlander (V6) (3MZ)(2GR)
  • 2004-2006 Lexus RX 330 (V6) (3MZ)
  • 2004-2006 Lexus ES 330 (V6) (3MZ)
  • 2005–2007 Avalon (V6) (2GR-FE)
  • 2006-2012 Rav4 (V6) (2GR-FE)
  • 2005–2009 Avensis (I4) (2AZ-FSE)

(U151F A/T) Applications:

  • 2004–2010 Sienna (3MZ/2GR-FE AWD)
  • 2004–2007 Highlander (V6 AWD)
  • 2006–2012 RAV4 (V6 AWD)
  • 2004-2008 Lexus RX330 AWD

This manual is made in accordance with SAE J2008.

Generally repair operations can be separated in the following 3 main processes:

  • Diagnosis
  • Removing and Installing, Replacing, Disassembling. Installing and Checking, Adjusting
  • Final Inspection

This manual explains “Removing and Installing. Replacing, Disassembling. Instaling and Checking, Adjusting”, but “Final inspection” is omitted.

Service Manual

The following essential operations are not written in this manual, however these operations must be done in the practical situation.

  1. Operation with a jack or lift
  2. Cleaning of a removed part when necessary
  3. Visual check

Repair Manual Tractor

Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 117

U151e Repair Manual Pdf

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