How To Virtually Transform Your Life!

How To Virtually Transform Your Life!

The life of your dreams is inside of you waiting to be unleashed. We offer several powerful programs to inspire potential and ignite transformation. All of our programs come with a 100% unconditional satisfaction guarantee. I've got the secret of how to transform your entire life. You are what you repeatedly do. If you want to change your life, start by changing your habits with. A practical manual for daily life that shows how we can develop and maintain inner peace, how we can reduce and stop our experience of problems, and how we can bring about positive changes in our lives that will enable us to experience deep and lasting happiness. This is a significantly revised edition of one of Venerable Geshe Kelsang's most popular and accessible books.

Download your copy today. Out of his kindness and strong wish for as many people as possible to have access to the special life-transforming methods and practices contained within How to Transform Our Life, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has requested that the book be distributed as a free eBook - a special present to everyone in the world. Change your environment so your life feels fresh. A fresh environment can help you change your mindset and make you feel unstuck. Start by removing any clutter from your living and work space. Then, rearrange your furniture or other decorations to create a new look.

The average employee spends 13 hours each week on email. That, plus endless lists of to-do items, hours of seemingly pointless meetings and unexpected interruptions creates noise that prevents productivity, inhibits creativity and gets between you and the day you hoped you’d have. So what can you do about it? Take a deep breath, imagine the life you want to have instead, and create a plan to make that happen.

Below are ten steps, inspired by the advice of writers and contributors, that can help you take charge and help you craft the professional and personal life that works for you.

1. Define success. Only you know what will make you feel fulfilled. When you want to achieve a goal, whether it’s starting a new business, writing a book or running a marathon, start with the end in mind. Write it down and refer work toward it every day.

Read more: Transform Your Vision Into Action with These 3 Steps


2. Visualize that success. Think back to a time when you accomplished something that really made you proud. Now imagine the best possible outcome of your new venture and hold on to that feeling – and that image of yourself. Work for that future you and don’t hold that person back with your own pessimism.

Read more: Become More Positive with These 5 Tips

3. Forget entitlement. You aren’t destined to succeed because you went to a certain school or have a certain background or contacts. Don’t expect that what you want will fall into your lap or that you are more deserving than someone else. Focus on the work or expect to miss out on something great.

Read more: 9 Lessons You Won't Learn in Business School

4. Think small to think big. You can’t change your ways overnight, so set small, achievable milestones and slowly build momentum toward your goal. Don’t set yourself up to fail by taking on too much too soon.

Read more: How You Can Form Better Habits Faster

5.Consistency is key. Procrastination can quickly turn to panic, kicking your brain into crisis mode. That’s bad for creative output and your health. Start early and give each milestone the time it needs.

Read more: Procrastinators: How to Fight Your Genes and Get Stuff Done Now

6. Prioritize. Do the most pressing or important item on your to-do lists first. Even if you think knocking off a couple of smaller tasks will help you tackle the big one, willpower is often at its highest at the start of the day rather than at the end of it. Monitor yourself to understand when you are the most productive and organize your schedule accordingly.

Read more: The Only Productivity Tip You'll Ever Need

Transform Your Life Isagenix

7. Delegate. You can’t do everything. Think about what someone else can take on, at work or in your personal life, so you can devote more time to your new priorities. Learn to let some tasks go and relish in the new perspective you’ll get in return.

Read more: 10 Easy Steps for Entrepreneurs to Achieve Work-Life Balance

8. Find collaborators. To make these steps stick, enlist likeminded friends, colleagues and family members who will hold you accountable, celebrate your achievements and share their insights. Support can come from the unlikeliest of sources. Just make sure you're open to the possibilities.

Read more: The Productivity and Life Hack That Almost Always Work

9. Stay motivated. To keep engaged and weather any setbacks, make yourself a “motivational manual.” Look to quotes from people who inspire you or playlists of songs that boost your creativity and productivity. Create an environment where you can thrive.

Read more: How to Create a Personalized Motivational Manual to Boost Productivity

10. Take stock and try again tomorrow. If you feel like you have too many plates in the air, stop and just focus on one at a time. Try spending time on one project every day and see how much you accomplish.


Read more: It's Time to Focus and Reclaim Your Productivity

“These instructions are
scientific methods to improve our human nature.”

Through practising the instructions presented in this book we can transform our life from a state of misery into one of pure and everlasting happiness. These instructions are scientific methods to improve our human nature. Everybody needs to be good-natured with a good heart, because in this way we can solve our own problems as well as those of others, and we can make our human life meaningful. Every living being has the same basic wish...

PART ONE: Foundation


Through practising the instructions presented in this book we can transform our life from a state of misery into one of pure and everlasting happiness. These instructions are scientific methods to improve our human nature. Everybody needs to be good-natured with a good heart, because in this way we can solve our own problems as well as those of others, and we can make our human life meaningful. Every living being has the same basic wish – to be happy and avoid suffering. Even newborn babies, animals and insects have this wish. It has been our main wish since beginningless time and it is with us all the time, even during our sleep. We spend our whole life working hard to fulfil this wish.

Since this world evolved, human beings have spent almost all their time and energy improving external conditions in their search for happiness and a solution to their problems. What has been the result? Instead of their wishes being fulfilled, human suffering and problems have continued to increase while the experience of happiness and peace is decreasing. This clearly shows that until now we have not found a correct method for reducing our problems and increasing happiness. The actual correct method for doing this is changing our attitude from negative to positive. We must understand this through our own experience. If we check carefully how we are experiencing problems and unhappiness, we can understand that they are all created by our uncontrolled desire, wishing ourself to be happy all the time. By stopping this wish and instead wishing for others to be happy all the time, we will not have any problems or unhappiness at all. If we sincerely practise every day stopping wishing for ourself to be happy all the time and instead wishing for others to be happy all the time, then we will understand from our own experience that through this practice, which prevents attachment to the fulfilment of our own wishes, we will have no experience of problems or unhappiness at all. Thus, if we really want pure and everlasting happiness and freedom from misery, we must learn to control our mind, principally our desire.

With wisdom we can understand how our human life is precious, rare and meaningful. Due to the limitations of their body and mind, those who have taken rebirth as animals, for example, have no opportunity to understand or practise spiritual teachings that are methods to control delusions such as uncontrolled desire, anger and ignorance. Only humans are free from such hindrances and have all the necessary conditions for engaging in spiritual paths, which alone lead to pure and everlasting happiness. This freedom and possession of necessary conditions are the special characteristics that make our human life so precious.

Although there are many humans in this world, each one of us has only one life. One person may own many cars and houses, but even the richest person in the world cannot possess more than one life; and, when that is drawing to an end, he or she cannot buy, borrow or manufacture another. When we lose this life, it will be very difficult to find another similarly qualified human life in the future. A human life is therefore very rare.

If we use our human life to accomplish spiritual realizations, it becomes immensely meaningful. By using it in this way, we actualize our full potential and progress from the state of an ordinary, ignorant being to that of a fully enlightened being, the highest of all beings; and when we have done this we will have the power to benefit all living beings without exception. Thus, by using our human life for gaining spiritual realizations we can solve all our human problems and fulfil all our own and others’ wishes. What could be more meaningful than this?

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Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche is a fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism who has pioneered the introduction of modern Buddhism into contemporary society. He is the author of 22 highly acclaimed books that perfectly transmit the ancient wisdom of Buddhism to our modern world.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso wishes so much for everyone to have access to these special practices that he has requested Tharpa Publications to give this book away freely as an ebook.

Manuel Rivero-De'Martine – Tharpa Publications Director

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Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche has founded over 1200 Kadampa centres and groups around the globe, which provide genuine examples of peace in our troubled world. Through these Centres and their accessible meditation classes, study programmes, workshops and courses, everybody without discrimination can realize their own potential by developing the capacity of their minds.

How to Transform Your Life is one of many life-changing books studied at these Centres. Find out what your local Centre has to offer.

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How to Transform Your Life forms the basis of hundreds of popular drop-in meditation classes and courses around the world. If you want the opportunity to study or find out more about the practices presented in this book, visit your nearest Kadampa Meditation Centre or branch. There are hundreds of Centres around the world, where you can meet people who are already benefiting from applying the methods presented in How to Transform Your Life.

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