Download Java Program Command Line Parameters Free

Instructions: 1. Download the jar file, and save it on your computer 2. Open command prompt in windows (search for cmd) 3. Type 'cd' followed by the path of the directory that contains the jar file 4. Type 'java-jar RanPassGenv1.jar' 5. Follow the instructions that appear in command prompt. This was a simple test program I made in 15 minutes.

  1. Java Command Line Tools
  2. Java Command Line Options
  3. Java Command Line App
  4. Java Command Line Input
  • Download Java editor - Simple and straightforward Java code editor that features a compiler, interpreter and applet viewer, command-line parameters, and HTML generator.
  • Download Java editor - Simple and straightforward Java code editor that features a compiler, interpreter and applet viewer, command-line parameters, and HTML generator.


Procrun is a set of applications that allow Windows users to wrap (mostly) Java applications (e.g. Tomcat) as a Windows service.
The service can be set to automatically start when the machine boots and will continue to run with no user logged onto the machine.

Procrun monitor application

Prunmgr is a GUI application for monitoring and configuring procrun services.

Each command line directive is in the form of //XX[//ServiceName]

If the //ServiceName parameter is omitted, then the service name is assumed to be the name of the file.
The Prunsrv application behaves in the same way, so to allow both applications to reside in the same directory, the Prunmgr application will remove a trailing w (lower-case w) from the name.
For example if the Prunmgr application is renamed as TestService.exe - or as TestServicew.exe - then the default service name is TestService.

The available command line options are:

//ESEdit service configurationThis is the default operation. It is called if the no option is provided. Starts the GUI application which allows the service configuration to be modified, started and stopped.
//MSMonitor serviceStarts the GUI application and minimizes it to the system tray.
//MRMonitor & run serviceStarts the GUI application and minimizes it to the system tray. Start the service if it is not currently running.
//MQMonitor QuitStop any running monitor for the service.

Procrun service application

Prunsrv is a service application for running applications as services. It can convert any application (not just Java applications) to run as a service.

Command line arguments

Each command line directive is in the form of //XX[//ServiceName].

If the //ServiceName parameter is omitted, then the service name is assumed to be the name of the file.
For example if the application is renamed as TestService.exe, then the default service name is TestService.

The available command line options are:

//TSRun the service as a console applicationThis is the default operation. It is called if the no option is provided.
//RSRun the serviceCalled only from ServiceManager
//ESStart (execute) the service
//SSStop the service
//USUpdate service parameters
//ISInstall service
//DSDelete serviceStops the service first if it is currently running
//PSPrint servicePrints the command to (re-)create the current configuration
//PP[//seconds]PauseDefault is 60 seconds
//VSVersionPrint version and exit (since version 1.0.3)
//?HelpPrint usage and exit (since version 1.0.3)

Starting with version 1.0.8 a more traditional command line can be used in the form: command [ServiceName].

runRun the service as a console applicationThis is the default operation. It is called if the no option is provided and has the same effect as calling //TS.
serviceRun the serviceCalled only from ServiceManager
startStart the serviceSynonym for //ES
stopStop the serviceSynonym for //SS
updateUpdate service parametersSynonym for //US
installInstall serviceSynonym for //IS
deleteDelete serviceStops the service first if it is currently running
printPrint servicePrints the command to (re-)create the current configuration
pause [seconds]PauseDefault is 60 seconds
versionVersionPrint version and exit
helpHelpPrint usage and exit

Command line parameters

Each command parameter is prefixed with -- (or ++, see below).
If an environment variable exists with the same name as a command line parameter but prefixed with PR_ it will override the equivalent command line parameter.
For example:

is equivalent to providing

as a command line parameter.

If a parameter is repeated, then normally the last value takes precedence.However some parameters can take multiple values - for example StartParams and JvmOptions.If these parameters are prefixed with ++, then the value will be appended to the existing value.For example:

will result in the following values being used:
Only multi-valued parameters support this; they are indicated in the table below by Java++.
If ++ is used for a parameter that does not support multiple values,then it is treated the same as --. No error is reported.
Configuration is overwritten in case -- is used.For example:will always overwrite the JvmOptions. The resulting configuration will be:However if on ++ is used the values will be appended. For example calling thefollowing after the first examplewill result in the following values being used:
In case you intermix the ++ and -- options, thelast -- parameter will cause option reset. For example:will result in the following values being used:

When updating a service (//US or update command), using -- will replace any existing parameter with the new setting.
For multi-valued parameters, using the ++ option qualifier will add the new value(s) to any existing value(s).

Parameter Name DefaultDescription
--DescriptionService name description (maximum 1024 characters)
--DisplayNameServiceNameService display name
--Installprocrun.exe //RS//ServiceNameInstall image
--StartupmanualService startup mode can be either delayed, auto or manual
--TypeService type can be interactive to allow the service to interact with the desktop. This option can only be used with the LocalSystem account.
++DependsOnList of services that this service depends on. Dependent services are separated using either # or ; characters
++EnvironmentList of environment variables that will be provided to the service in the form key=value. They are separated using either # or ; characters. If you need to embed either # or ; character within a value put them inside single quotes.
--UserUser account used for running executable. It is used only for StartMode Java or exe and enables running applications as a service under an account without the LogonAsService privilege.
--PasswordPassword for user account set by --User parameter
--ServiceUserSpecifies the name of the account under which the service should run. Use an account name in the form DomainNameUserName. The service process will be logged on as this user. if the account belongs to the built-in domain, you can specify .UserName Note that the Service Control Manager does not accept localised forms of the standard names so to use them you need to specify NT AuthorityLocalService, NT AuthorityNetworkService or LocalSystem as appropriate.
--ServicePasswordPassword for user account set by --ServiceUser parameter
--LibraryPathDirectory added to the search path used to locate the DLLs for the JVM. This directory is added both in front of the PATH environment variable and as a parameter to the SetDLLDirectory function.
--JavaHomeJAVA_HOMESet a different JAVA_HOME than defined by JAVA_HOME environment variable
--JvmautoUse either auto (i.e. find the JVM from the Windows registry) or specify the full path to the jvm.dll. You can use environment variable expansion here. When auto is specified the following search order is used:
  1. The current Java runtime library as defined in the registry
  2. The current JRE as defined in the registry
  3. The explicitly configured JavaHome for the service
  4. The current JDK as defined in the registry
++JvmOptions-XrsList of options in the form of -D or -X that will be passed to the JVM. The options are separated using either # or ; characters. If you need to embed either # or ; character put them inside single quotes. (Not used in exe mode.)
++JvmOptions9List of options in the form of -D or -X that will be passed to the JVM when running on Java 9 or later. The options are separated using either # or ; characters. If you need to embed either # or ; character put them inside single quotes. (Not used in exe mode.)
--ClasspathSet the Java classpath. (Not used in exe mode.)
--JvmMsInitial memory pool size in MB. (Not used in exe mode.)
--JvmMxMaximum memory pool size in MB. (Not used in exe mode.)
--JvmSsThread stack size in KB. (Not used in exe mode.)
--StartModeOne of jvm, Java or exe. The modes are:
  • jvm - start Java in-process. Depends on jvm.dll, see --Jvm.
  • Java - same as exe, but automatically uses the default Java executable, i.e. %JAVA_HOME%binjava.exe. Make sure JAVA_HOME is set correctly, or use --JavaHome to provide the correct location. If neither is set, procrun will try to find the default JDK (not JRE) from the Windows registry.
  • exe - run the image as a separate process
--StartImageExecutable that will be run. Only applies to exe mode.
--StartPathWorking path for the start image executable.
--StartClassMainClass that contains the startup method. Applies to the jvm and Java modes. (Not used in exe mode.)
--StartMethodmainName of method to be called when service is started. It must be static void and have argument (String args[]). Only applies to jvm mode - in Java mode, the main method is always used.
Note: in jvm mode, the start method should not return until the stop method has been called.
++StartParamsList of parameters that will be passed to either StartImage or StartClass. Parameters are separated using either # or ; character.
--StopModeOne of jvm, Java or exe. See --StartMode for further details.
--StopImageExecutable that will be run on Stop service signal. Only applies to exe mode.
--StopPathWorking path for the stop image executable. Does not apply to jvm mode.
--StopClassMainClass that will be used on Stop service signal. Applies to the jvm and Java modes.
--StopMethodmainName of method to be called when service is stopped. It must be static void and have argument (String args[]). Only applies to jvm mode. In Java mode, the main method is always used.
++StopParamsList of parameters that will be passed to either StopImage or StopClass. Parameters are separated using either # or ; character.
--StopTimeoutNo TimeoutDefines the timeout in seconds that procrun waits for service to exit gracefully.
--LogPath%SystemRoot%System32LogFilesApacheDefines the path for logging. Creates the directory if necessary.
--LogPrefixcommons-daemonDefines the service log filename prefix. The log file is created in the LogPath directory with .YEAR-MONTH-DAY.log suffix
--LogLevelInfoDefines the logging level and can be either Error, Info, Warn or Debug. (Case insensitive).
--LogJniMessages0Set this non-zero (e.g. 1) to capture JVM jni debug messages in the procrun log file. Is not needed if stdout/stderr redirection is being used. Only applies to jvm mode.
--StdOutputRedirected stdout filename. If named auto file is created inside LogPath with the name service-stdout.YEAR-MONTH-DAY.log.
--StdErrorRedirected stderr filename. If named auto file is created in the LogPath directory with the name service-stderr.YEAR-MONTH-DAY.log.
--PidFileDefines the file name for storing the running process id. Actual file is created in the LogPath directory

Installing services

To install the service, you need to use the //IS parameter.

Install the service named 'TestService'

Updating services

To update the service parameters, you need to use the //US parameter.

Java Command Line Tools

Update the service named 'TestService'

Removing services

To remove the service, you need to use the //DS parameter.If the service is running it will be stopped and then deleted.

Remove the service named 'TestService'

Java Command Line Options

Debugging services

To run the service in console mode, you need to use the //TS parameter.The service shutdown can be initiated by pressing CTRL+C orCTRL+BREAK.If you rename the prunsrv.exe to testservice.exe then you can just execute thetestservice.exe and this command mode will be executed by default.

Run the service named 'TestService' in console mode

Using Procrun in jvm mode

To interface with the Procrun service application (prunsrv) using the jvm mode,you need to create a class with the appropriate method(s).For example:

This should be configured as follows:The above example uses a single 'main' method, and uses a string parameter to specify whether the service functionis start or stop.
Alternatively, you can use different method names for the service start and stop functions:This should be configured as follows:Note: in jvm mode, the start method should not return until the stop method hasbeen called. The start and stop methods are called from different threads.

Using Procrun in Java or exe mode

When using the Java or exe modes, the Procrun service application (prunsrv)launches the target application in a separate process.The 'stop' application needs to communicate somehow with the 'start' application to tell it to stop.For example, using RPC.

Windows Registry Usage

The basic Service definitions are maintained under the registry key:

Java Command Line App

Additional parameters are stored in the registry at:

On 64-bit Windows procrun always uses 32-bit registry view for storing the configuration.This means that parameters will be stored inside:

Command Line Arguments in Java

Java Command Line Input

If any input value is passed through the command prompt at the time of running of the program is known as command line argument by default every command line argument will be treated as string value and those are stored in a string array of main() method.

Program Command Line Argument in Java


Compile and Run above programs

When the above statement is executing the following sequence of steps will take place.

  • Class loader sub-system loads SumDemo along with Command line argument(10, 20) and in main memory.
  • JVM takes the loaded class SumDemo along with Command line arguments (10, 20) and place the number of values in the length variable that is 2.
  • JVM looks for main() that is JVM will place the Command in the main() in the form of string class that is.
  • Hence all the CMD line arguments of Java are sending to main() method available in the form of an array of object of String class (every CMD are available or stored in main method in the form of an array of object of String class).
  • JVM calls the main() method with respect to load class SumDemo that is SumDemo.main().

Accept command line arguments and display their values

Note: Except + operator any numeric operation not allowed in command line arguments.

Square of Number by reading value from command prompt.

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