On Line Assignmentsms. Schroll's Ela Classes

  • North Middle School does not discriminate on the basis of an individual's actual or perceived race, color, national origin, disability, sex, including sexual harassment and/or sexual violence, ethnic group/ethnicity, weight, religion, religious practice, gender identity and sexual orientation, including heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, creed, marital status, military.
  • English 11 has a focus on American Literature. A central focus in all English 11 courses are assignments that prepare all students for college and career. English 11 is the first of a two-year loop, culminating at the end of English 12. Students will begin the development of course required digital portfolio in English 11.

ELA Assignments
Go to Google Classroom to access online Language Arts assignments.
Writing Tutorial 1: How to Write an Effective Paragraph
In this flipped lesson, you will review how to structure an effective paragraph. This lesson also makes clear our expectations for how a proficient paragraph is written.

ELA Unit 1: Setting and Characterization
In this unit of study, you will review plot structure. You will also analyze the effect of setting and characters on the plot and resolution of the conflict.
Characters:The subjects (people, animals, etc.) that the author writes about. The characters participate in events that move the plot forward.
Plot:Story plot is all of the events of the story, from beginning to end. Characters and the setting are introduced during the exposition, which is the first part of the story. Conflicts, or problems, occur during the rising action, and the biggest moment of the story is called the climax.
Setting:The setting refers to when and where a story takes place.

Conflict:The conflict is the problem the character faces. Examples: The conflict may be between two characters, between the main character and nature, or between the main character and himself.

Theme:The theme of a story is the lesson, message, or moral that the author is trying to communicate through the plot and characters.

On line assignmentsms. scrolls ela classes online
Learning Activities
Unit #1 'Priscilla and the Wimps'

3) Join the class as a 'Parent' Please also click the link below to view the Enrichment Learning Handout. This is a help sheet for parents and students for accessing online curriculum and content at home.

On Line Assignmentsms. Scrolls Ela Classes 1


On Line Assignmentsms. Schroll's Ela Classes

Argumentative Performance Writing Task
Keys to Success