Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineeringannouncements

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHE 3062

  • 31 downloadable resources. Full lifetime access. Access on mobile and TV. Teaching & Academics Engineering Chemical engineering. Preview this course. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Learn the fundamentals of Chemical Engineering and then test your knowledge on 200+ quiz questions. Rating: 3.8 out of 5 3.8 (60 ratings).
  • ChE471: CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING Instructor: Prof. Milorad Dudukovic Grader: Vesna Havran A Course Description. Tentative Schedule of Lectures. B Selected Additional Course Notes. Lecture 1 - Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering; Extra Problems for Lecture 1; Lecture 1A - Summary of Key Concepts related to Lecture 1.
  • Chegg's chemical engineering experts can provide answers and solutions to virtually any chemical engineering problem, often in as little as 2 hours. Thousands of chemical engineering guided textbook solutions, and expert chemical engineering answers when you need them.
  • Chegg's chemical engineering experts can provide answers and solutions to virtually any chemical engineering problem, often in as little as 2 hours. Thousands of chemical engineering guided textbook solutions, and expert chemical engineering answers when you need them.

Introduction to Chemical Engineering. Home; Grading and Policies; Course Materials; Announcements; Important dates for 1st Semester 2010-2011.

12:20 to 1:15

Che 31. introduction to chemical engineering announcements pdfIntroduction

(Help Session Wednesdays 6-8 Zoom)
(Kiet Pham/Greg Beaucage)

Professor Greg Beaucage
492 Rhodes Hall

Kiet Pham (Undergraduate)
ERC 560

Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Second Edition
J. Richard Elliott and Carl T. Lira
ISBN 978-0-13-606854-9
University of Colorado Video Thermo Class

Swift, Van Ness, Abbott, Swihart
Indian Book on ChE Thermo

NIST Webbook Thermo Data
Perry's Handbook (link works at UC)

Thermo class at U London
ChE Thermo Class Pomona California
MIT 1999 Thermo Class

Class Recordings
All Videos Spring 2020 (this link also contains videos from Polymer Physics class MW lectures at 10:10)
2021 Spring: M1/11; T1/12; W1/13; M1/18 MLK; T1/19; W1/20 ; M1/25; T1/26; W1/27; M2/1 T2/2; W2/3; M2/8; T2/9; W2/10; M2/15; T2/16; W2/17; M2/22; T2/23; W2/24; M3/1; T3/2; W3/3; M3/8; T3/9; W3/10; M3/15; T3/16; W3/17; M3/22; T3/23; W3/24; M3/29; T3/30; W3/31; M4/5;T4/6; W4/7; M4/12; T4/13; W4/14; M4/19; T4/20; W4/21

Quizzes: Weekly quiz comprised of questions similar to homework/chapter examples. ~Every Thursday

Plant tour replacement grades rules (No tours in Spring 2021 due to COVID)

Homework: Weekly Homework Due Tuesday
We will go through homework in a work session ~Every Wednesday 6 to 8pm Zoom.

Weekly Assessment: Each week, after you receive your quiz grade write an assessment with the following information: Assessment.pdf

Final: Comprehensive Final. (Weighted as 8 quizzes.)

Grade is 85% Average of Final and Quizzes , 10% Homework, 5% Weekly Course/Self Assessment.

Matlab/Excel (For Chapters 10, 11, 14, some other example problems and HW)

NIST webbook for Thermochemical Data
Chemical Safety Board
Ammonia Refrigeration Hydrolic Shock Explosion Video

Text Suppliments (practice problem solutions, etc.)

WeekTopicTextHomeworkppt, pdfQuiz

Supercritical CO2
Supercritical extraction of caffeine
Supercritical extraction for aerogel
Origin of 3/2 kT
Thermal Fluctuations

Chapter 1P.34 First 10 Test Yourself Problems; Practice Problems P1.1,P1.2; Homework Problems 1.3-1.6,1.8,1.9,1.11-1.19 (ans)ppt, pdf

Quiz 1, Quiz 1 2016,
2017, 2019,
2020, 2021

2Energy Balance A
MLK Week
Chapter 2
Laminar Flow
1,2 Test yourself;
Practice problems 1-3; (ans)
Numerical Problem 2.10
Homework Problems 2.2, 4, 6, 7, 8 (ans)
ppt, pdf

Quiz 2, Quiz 2 2016,
2021, xls

2aEnergy Balance
A & B
Chapter 2 & 3

5 Test yourself;
Practice problems P2.10,12,14,15; (ans)
Chapter 2 Homework Problems 15, 17, 18, 21, 23 (ans)
Chapter 3 Homework Problem 2 (ans)
Don't do:
(3,4,6 Test yourself, write answers not explain to family...; Practice problems 8; P2.16, 17 Homework Problems 2.12, 13, 16, 22)

Quiz 3
2020, 2021

3Energy Balance B
Sterling Engine in a Car
Group Contribution Methods
Chapter 3 & 4

Chapter 3 Homework Problems 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13 (ans)

Chapter 4 Practice Problems: 1-7 Practice Problem Solutions

Chapter 4 Homework Problems: 2,3,5,6,9 (total of 5 problems ans, Practice Problem Solutions)

Don't do (P3.1; Need to use Solver for recycle and answer becomes absurd)

ppt, pdf

Quiz 3/4, Quiz 3 2016, Answer
2020, 2021

Space Junk
Chapter 4

Practice Problems Chapter 4: 8,9,12,14,15,18; Homework Problems Chapter 4: 14,16,18,22,27,30,32,33(total of 8 problems ans, Practice Problem Solutions)

Practice Problems Chapter 5: 6 (Practice Problem Solutions)
Homework Chapter 5: 2, 4, 5


ppt, pdfQuiz 4/5; Quiz 4 2016
2020, 2021
5Entropy and Processes

Refrigerator in Details

Thermal Power Plant
Lost Work

Chapter 5/
Chapter 6

Practice Problems Chapter 5: 1, 3, 4
(3 problems Practice Problem Solutions)

Homework Problems Chapter 5: 8, 13, 15 (3 problems ans)

Test Yourself P. 248 Problem 1;
Practice Problems Chapter 6: 1; (2 problems Practice Problem Solution)

Test Yourself P. 236; Problems Chapter 6: 4,6,7,8,11 (5 problems, ans)

Part of Chap. 4,
End of Chap. 4
Chapter 5 ppt, pdf
Chapter 6
ppt, pdf
Quiz 5; Quiz 5 2016
Quiz 6 mon.; Quiz 2016
2020, 2021


Fluids and PVT

Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PR By Hand
NIST Thermal Properties of Fliuds

Chapter 7

Chapters 7
(Molecular Simulators)

Chapter 7 Practice Problems: 1,2,3,4,5; Chapter 7 Homework: 1,3,4,6,8 (10 Problems) (Practice Problem Solution, ans)

(Do not do: Chapter 7 Homework: 12,15,17,21,22,26,28,31 (8 problems) (ans)
Chapter 6 HW 3, 11

Chapter 6A video,
Chapter 6B in class

Chapter 7B Video
ppt, pdf

Quiz 7 thurs.;
Quiz 2016
2020, 2021


Non Ideal Fluids Departure Functions

Chapter 8
Quiz 8 HelpSession2016

Chapter 8 Practice Problems: 2,3,5,7,9 (5 problems) (PP Solutions)
Chapter 8 Homework: 1,3,10,14,15,18,19,28,34 (9 problems) (ans)
Use PREOS.xls where possible for the problems rather than doing hand calculations.

(Do not do: PP 1, 4, HW 4,6,7,8,38)

Chapter 8A Video, Chapter 8B Video,

Chapter 8
ppt, pdf

Chapter 8B Video,

Quiz 8

Quiz 2016
Quiz 9 2017
2020, 2021

9One Component Equilibria
Supercooled Water
Drinking Duck
Ice Skate Study HW 9.1

Chapters 9

DePriester Chart

Chapter 9 Practice Problems: 1 (use 8 MPa not 1.5, CO2 boiling point is −78.5°C (194.7°K) ), 2 (2 problems, PP Solutions)
CO2 Chart Pressure Enthalpy; Another Chart
Ethane P H Diagram
Chapter 9 Homework: 1,2,4,6,7,8,10,13,16 (9 Problems ans) In calculating the fugacity make sure you first determine the state of the material (vapor, liquid, solid).

(Do not do Chapter 9 Practice Problems: 4; HW 9.18)

Chapter 9 ppt, pdf

Quiz 2016
Quiz 10 2017
2020, 2021


Multicomponent Systems

Models for Interaction
Class 3/26/20
Class 3/30/20
Class 3/31/20
Class 4/1/20
Help session 4/1/20

Chapters 10

Chapter 10 Practice Problems: 1, 4 (solve for temp not pressure) (PP Solutions)
Chapter 10 Homework: 1, 3 Problem 10.3 Mark Ellsberrry.xls, 5, 10 (do one or two), 11, 12, 14, 15 (you choose video for 15 if you have time) (ans) One Video

Ammonium Nitrate VP, Ammonium Nitrate MSDS 93C FP

Chapter 10 ppt, pdf

Quiz 10; Quiz 10 2016

Quiz 11 2017
Quiz 10 2020, 2021


Equation of State for Mixing
Class 4/6/20
Class 4/7/20
Class 4/8/20
Help session 4/8/20

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Practice Problems: 1 (PP Solutions)
Chapter 11 Homework: 2,4,6,8,11,14,16,21,22,29 (ans)

Chapter 11
ppt, pdf

Quiz 11, Quiz 11 2016

Quiz 12 2017
2020, 2021


Liquid/Liquid Phase Equilibria
Paper on Drug Crystallization with LLE; Review on same subject
Class 4/13/20
Class 4/14/20
Class 4/15/20
Help session 4/15/20

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Practice Problems: 1,2 (PP Solutions)
Chapter 14 Homework: 3,4,7,11,17,19,21,25,28(ans)

Excel sheets for HW: PP2, HW3, HW4, HW7, HW11, HW17, HW21, HW28

(Don't do PP 3,4, HW 31,35)

Chapter 14 ppt, pdf

Quiz 12, Quiz 12 2016

Quiz 13 2017
2020, 2021

13Reaction Thermo
Class 4/20/20
Class 4/21/20
Class 4/22/20
Help session 4/22/20
Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Test Yourself: 1,2,3,4,5,6
Chapter 17 Practice Problems: 1,4,9 (PP Solutions)
Chapter 17 Homework: 1,2,5,7,12,21,22,25,27 (ans)

(Don't do HW 16)

Chapter 17 ppt, pdf

Quiz 13

Quiz 13 Help Session

Quiz 14 2017
2020, 2021

Final letter grades will be based on class grade using the following scale:
A is between 90.0 and 100.0; B is between 80.0 and 89.9; C is between 70.0 and 79.9; D is between 60.0 and 69. Only whole grades will be given, i.e. the grade is B for 80 or 89. Those with a 'natural' 90 or above from quiz grades before the final do not need to take the final. The comprehensive final is worth eight quiz grades.

80 Acres March 15, 2019

Peter Cremer Inc. (P&G Contract Manufacturer) March 8, 2019

Rheingeist March 8, 2019 1 pm (and 3 pm)

LyondellBasell March 1, 2019

Nease Chemical February 22, 2019

GCWW February 15, 2019

UC Power/Heat/Chilled Water Plant February 1, 2019

Greater Cincinnati Water Works January 13, 2016

Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Notes

West Campus Steam Plant January 20, 2017

Miller/Coors Beer Plant Tour April 5, 2016

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Che 31. Introduction To Chemical Engineering Announcements Online